Every new year people make adjustments in the field of gardening. Taking care of it means not only killing pests and curing diseases but also countering new realities of climate change. They dictate new rules of the game. The consequences of such changes as autumn flowering of trees and shrubs, early spring flowering, significant damage to young trees with light frosts, etc., are difficult to fix, but they are easy to prevent.
1. Grow Plants, Especially Native Ones
In the presence of vegetation, most solar radiation is absorbed by herbs. This is just one of the many reasons for making your garden, especially with native plants, for the local climate. For example, dense cereal allows less than 20% of solar radiation to reach the ground surface, and in the forest, the ground reaches only 5-20% of radiation. Most of the solar radiation in the vegetation is absorbed at a height ¾ the height of the herb, where most of the leaves and branches. This is where radiation is absorbed and emitted. That is why the ground and air temperature among the plants is lower than above the bare ground during the day. The maximum temperature is observed at the height of the most excellent absorption of radiation, i.e., about ¾ the size of plants. In the surface layer of air and on the soil’s surface, the night temperature is higher than in the bare area.
2. Make Your Own Compost
There is a well-known rule – Reduce – Reuse – Recycle. One of the best ways to lower waste is not to produce it. Any product requires a lot of energy: for its manufacture, transportation, and sale. The details on the destroying influence of consumerism are described extensively in the pollution essays on PapersOwl where you can find a lot of information with relevant examples. Reading them will most definitely convince you that it is time for everybody to take care of the place you live in. You help the environment and keep money in your wallet by consuming less. This requires composting organic scraps. This will help avoid too much organic debris. However, gardeners can put compost as fertilizer for planting in their gardens.
3. Mulch, Please!
Mulch performs many functions to protect and enrich the ground, namely:
- can help in the fight against weeds (a layer of 5-7 centimeters can lower leaf growth several times);
- creates a shadow between the rows, which also prevents the development of weeds;
- reduces evaporation of water from the ground and, consequently, reduces the frequency of watering. Because water is a significant source;
- prevents the formation of a ground crust, which means that loosening can be carried out less frequently;
- helps prevent splashes of pathogens in the garden;
- prevents erosion in the garden;
- prevents overheating of the ground during the summer time ;
- prevents ground weathering in autumn;
- protects roots from freezing in a cold year.
Mulch can be used everywhere: under bushes and trees, spread on vegetable beds, between annuals and perennials. Straw or dry mown grass can be found in almost any garden. Not only freshly cut stems are suitable because they contain a lot of moisture and ugly lumps come out of them. On the other hand, straw has a proper structure, and even a thick layer will allow air to pass through. The only thing is-it is important to be more careful with mice – they like to climb under the straw and look for the remnants of grain.
A mulch of unprocessed bark is perfect for laying under trees and shrubs. For mulching the ground near vegetable cereal and ornamental flowers, only bark that has been processed in a composter is suitable. It is a great idea to check, find, and read additional info to increase profit from using mulch. When the gardener uses the bark in the garden, nitrogen manure must first be under this layer of mulch.
4. Choose Organic Fertilizers
Organic is an entire reserve for increasing ground fertility, including crop yields. They contain macro-and microelements, various physiologically active substances valid for microorganisms, etc. Such garden feed promotes better biological processes in soils and improves the physical and chemical properties of the ground, which is necessary for growing.
Although the importance of organic in-ground fertility has long been recognized, the development of industrial production, which is characterized by the use of mineral and organic fertilizers, began to receive less attention. To restore interest in organic, it is necessary to mention their benefits and importance for ground fertility.
The first advantage is that organic matter (humus) content increases when organic is applied to the ground. Although its content in the ground is relatively low (depending on the type of ground, from 0.5 to 6%), it plays a significant role in ground fertility and nutrition formation. It contains almost the entire supply of organic nitrogen compounds, much of the phosphorus and sulfur, and a small amount of calcium, magnesium, and other elements. During the decomposition of organic matter, these compounds turn into a mineral form. There will be a prolonged supply of nutrients to plants in the future due to the decomposition of more stable fractions of organic matter.
5. Go Garden to Table — and Vase
Food production and transportation have accounted for a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. However, the food we are growing in the backyard for the kitchen is much more environmentally friendly because it simply moves from the garden to the table.
Carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, leeks, and cauliflower roam for tens of kilometers before buying them. Therefore, gardening remains one of the means to lower its ecological footprint, as vegetable growth is a few meters from your home place. Like all, vegetables in your garden or balcony planter consume carbon dioxide (CO2) and emit oxygen, limiting global warming effects, which is good for the big garden.
6. Power Down or “Un-lawn”
Do not forget about your lawn – caring for it is always a big concern. There are some ideas like lowering it to use mowers less. Instead of the traditional area of green grass, where a mower is essential, mix meadow grass with wildflowers in your yard to help pollinators maintain biodiversity. You can also buy new low-growing grasses, so you do not need to mow them.
7. Plant Cover Crops
Cover crops are sown in the off-season on arable land. Cover cereal protects the soil from erosion, improves its quality, and helps control weeds, lowering the need for plant protection products. It creates an environment for pollinating insects. Many species are now endangered. Cover cereal is used for grazing livestock, which contributes to significant savings. You can save, for example, on a cow if you transfer cattle to green fodder: you do not need to spend money on hay, fuel, employees, etc. In addition, the bees will have better nutrition, and the garden condition will improve significantly.
Taking care of your garden can be a little bit difficult considering the current environmental situation. It takes a true enthusiast to nurture and grow beautiful things with your hands. In order to achieve positive results it is important to follow some tips by professionals.
All these steps are not the only ones that can be done. If you want to help our planet, growing vegetables in your garden is an excellent idea. Though it is not easy in modern circumstances due to environmental changes. But even an inexperienced gardener can make it. Following advice from trust resources, being attentive to slight weather and nature changes and no climate change will spoil your beautiful garden.