If your home is untidy often, you may not recognize that tidiness holds tremendous value. There are many reasons why people will spend a lot of time and money and effort to make sure that their home stays organized and clean. Here is a look at why tidiness is worth pursuing in your home, in your workplace, and in your life.
Orderliness Offers Benefits
By keeping things in a place where they belong, by restraining the items in our house and putting them in specific places, we create order. There are numerous benefits to having orderliness in the home, and the biggest of these is the peace of mind it gives us. When things are where they belong, that helps the mind to be at ease and not to worry so much. Clutter creates chaos and disorder and leads to anxiety. Orderliness does the opposite of that.
It is easy to find things when they are placed where they belong. Think of all the time that is wasted when we look for items that we misplaced. If we have a specific location for each item in our home, then we rarely have to look for them.
If you are new to trying to make your home look orderly all the time, it may seem like a lot of trouble, but what you will find is that after a while, there is great value to it. It becomes easier over time to make things look orderly and neat, even though new habits can take a while to form, and then you notice all the benefits and will not want to go back to having a messy home.
As you become more orderly, you will save time, you’ll find things faster, and you’ll experience less stress. All of that leads to a better life and better mental health. It’s very important to consciously make decisions that lead to better mental health and simply by taking time to put things where they go will help you to achieve that.
Cleanliness Goes with Order
If you’re trying to be orderly and neat and all that you do, you’re going to want to keep things clean around the house as well. Cleaning regularly can be a lot of work, and some people will resort to using professional cleaning services that offer customizable cleaning plans for every home. They can rely on these services to do the cleaning for them periodically so that they don’t have to always be the ones to handle it.
Different people will have different ideas of what constitutes a clean home. Some people feel like they need to do a deep cleaning every week, whereas others simply do a little sweeping and wiping down every so often to keep things as clean as they prefer. However, if you aim for more cleanliness in the home and for keeping a high standard of cleanliness, what you will discover is that you feel better and see fewer pests.
Bugs and rats and other pests will be more likely to hang around in your home and spread diseases and create a mess if your home is untidy and dirty. Dirty homes give them opportunities to find food and places to hide, whereas clean homes are unwelcoming for pests.
Cleaning your home also improves the air quality, and it gets rid of pollen, dust, mold, and other allergens that can irritate your sinuses, cause allergic reactions, and make you feel unwell. If you keep your home clean, you should be able to sleep better and suffer from fewer illnesses and symptoms. Don’t neglect the vents and other parts of your home that promote good air flow as you are cleaning.
Cleanliness and orderliness really do go together. If you’re trying to keep your home neat and tidy, you should also attempt to keep it clean. It’s worthwhile to scrub down those dirty parts of your home that have given you trouble for a while. You’ll bring out their original beauty and add to the orderliness of your home.
Orderliness Means Decluttering
In order to keep things tidy in your home, you may have to get rid of some things. A lot of what makes a home untidy is the clutter, and while it may be difficult to remove items from your home that you feel attached to, it could be necessary in order to create the kind of organization you are looking to achieve.
There are a few questions you should ask yourself when trying to determine what kind of items to get rid of:
· Will I use this again?
· Does this have meaning for me?
· Can I do without this item?
· Do I have more than one of this item?
· Why am I keeping this question
These kinds of questions will guide you as you try to determine what to get rid of and what to keep. You can pass some items on to family members and friends, give items away to charity, or even hold a yard sale or put items up for sale online. As you start to declutter and get rid of some items, you may realize that you have a lot of things you could do without.
Decluttering is so good for your mental health, as it gives you fewer things to worry about. It also makes it easier to clean the house, as there are fewer things to put away, and it makes it easier to find what you’re looking for, since there will be fewer items in the home.
Closing Thoughts
Having a tidy home is something that anyone can achieve, no matter how much of a mess your home is in right now. If you would like to make some changes and start to be tidier, then we hope that this article gives you motivation. As you begin to see the value of keeping things tidy, you will want to work harder at cleaning up in your home, and very quickly you will start to see the benefits.