Sharing things to be grateful for today in our A to Z gratitude list! Use this list to spark your own gratitude list and record it on our free gratitude printable worksheet.
Let’s talk today about gratitude!
Naming the things we are grateful for is definitely trending right now, and that’s just how it should be.
There are so many benefits of being grateful for what we have, from better health and relationships to a sunnier overall outlook on life.
Today, we’ll talk about what exactly gratitude is, how we can cultivate it more in our everyday life, and I’ll share examples of things to be grateful for from A to Z.
Lastly, I’ll share a free printable alphabet gratitude worksheet so you can create your own list!

What is Gratitude?
Simply put, gratitude is recognizing the good things we have in our lives. When we show gratitude, we express thanks for all that we have, causing feelings of warmth and happiness to emerge in us.
How Can I Be More Grateful?
It sounds cheesy and over simplistic but it’s true: simply acknowledging what we are grateful for in life is the easiest way to become more grateful.
The trick is to be specific.
Instead of thinking “I am grateful for my health,” think “I am grateful for my healthy body because it allows me to take long, restoring walks each day.”
Instead of thinking “I am grateful for my mom,” think “I am grateful for my mom’s perspective and ability to put a positive spin on hard things I am going through.”
It doesn’t have to be long and meandering, but it does need to be specific. Aim to think of 2-3 things each day you are grateful for. This can be done in the morning, evening, or whenever is best for you.
Now, onto our A to Z gratitude list.
How Do I Make a Gratitude List?
There is always going to be someone who will want to try to sell you a fancy gratitude journal.
Fact is, though, something as simple as a composition notebook will do! If you’d rather, there are plenty of free apps you can download to your phone to track your gratitude.
The point is, you can, of course, purchase a gratitude journal for this process, but it’s not necessary.
You can skip the formal writing process and just list your gratitude items in your head, if you’d like. Just remember to be consistent and specific, and you’ll get just as much from this process as those of us who choose to write down our thoughts.
A to Z Gratitude List
Below, I’m going to share 1-3 things to be grateful for for each letter of the alphabet.
Afterwards, I’ll share a free printable so you can cultivate this gratitude in your own life.
A- Animals, Acts of Kindness, Adventure
B- Babies, Books, Beauty
C- Cats, Children, Crafting
D- Disney, Drawing
E- Excitement, Energy, Exercise
F- Fall, Family, Freedom
G- Games, Goals, Grandparents
H- Harry Potter, Happiness
I- Ice Cream
J- Japanese Maple Trees, Jumping Rope
K- Kites, Kittens
L- Laughter, Life, Love
M- Music
N- Naps
O- Owls, Opportunities, Ocean
P- Peace, People, Parties
Q- Quiet
R- Rest, Reading
S- Sunshine, Silence
T- Talents, Teachers
U- Uplifting Stories
V- Vacations
W- Water, Wild Animals
X- Xmas
Y- Yoga
Z- Zoo Animals
Alphabet Gratitude List Printable
Ok, now that you have some gratitude list ideas for each letter of the alphabet, let’s share a gratitude list free printable.
To use this freebie, simple click the link below and save to your computer.
You can print this at home on 8.5×11 paper. You can use regular printer paper or cardstock, whatever you have on hand.
You can also slip this into a clear plastic sleeve and use a dry erase marker to make it reusable!

Gratitude is such an important part of life. If you’re looking to show your gratitude to important people in your life, these gratitude gifts might be a good place to start.
I hope this post gave you a few ideas on how to add more gratitude to your life!
Thanks so much for reading all about our A to Z Gratitude List – Alphabet Gratitude List Plus Free Printable.
Have a great day!