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How to Choose Between Asphalt or Concrete Paving? 

Asphalt and concrete are the most common materials used to pave roads, sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots. While both materials have unique advantages and benefits, there are important differences between them that make the choice a bit tricky. 

Choosing between the two is an important decision that depends on various factors. You must give this decision a long, hard thought so your newly constructed paving can last longer. Here is everything you need to know when deciding between asphalt and concrete. 

What Is the Difference Between Asphalt and Concrete Paving?

Asphalt and concrete paving differ primarily in their composition and performance. Consequently, their usability and applications also differ. Asphalt is made from a mixture of aggregates, including sand, gravel, and crushed stone, bound together by a sticky, black substance called bitumen. 

This combination of different materials and overall composition gives asphalt its most distinct characteristic: a rich black appearance with notable flexibility. The flexibility makes asphalt the ideal material for pavements in regions with fluctuating temperatures. Asphalt is the go-to choice for a cost-friendly, smoother pavement or surface. 

Its smooth and even surface makes it a popular choice for homeowners who need to renovate and revamp their curb appeal to enhance estate value. However, it may require frequent maintenance, such as seal coats and patching, to ensure that the surface remains smooth in the long run. 

On the other hand, concrete paving has a different composition that includes cement, water, and varying types of aggregates. The composition results in its distinction from asphalt, giving it a light gray color with a relatively rigid and textured finish. Concrete may be sturdier and better withstand wear and tear. This is one of the reasons why it’s a popular choice for high traffic roads. However, it is cotlier, and not the go-to choice for residential property owners, or parking lots with less wear and tear. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Asphalt and Concrete Paving

Here are the three crucial factors you should consider when deciding between asphalt and concrete paving. 


Budget is usually a significant concern when a property owner is trying to redo their driveway or parking lot. Therefore, a smart choice between asphalt paving or concrete is crucial. While many other factors also come into play here, cost is a good starting point when choosing between the two materials. 

Asphalt paving is much more cost-friendly upfront. A reliable asphalt paving contractor should provide top-notch service at great rates. However, you must pay for maintenance, such as asphalt seal coating, to ensure an even and smooth surface remains years after the surface installment. 

On the other hand, concrete may be pricier upfront. The price difference stems from many reasons, including the materials involved in the composition of asphalt and concrete. Cement, which is a big component of concrete, is significantly pricer. 


One of the most important advantages of concrete paving is its long-term durability. Typically, concrete lasts up to 30 years, while asphalt paving may last up to 20 years with proper maintenance. Concrete’s strength comes from the stone-like hardness that cement and water impart to it. 

Meanwhile, asphalt may be a better choice for short-term usage or in cases where lots of traffic and wear and tear are not a possibility. This is one of the many reasons why most residential renovations and projects choose asphalt. It is ideal for less-traffic areas, looks much better and smoother, and creates an aesthetic appeal for the property. Instead of spending a lot on unnecessary home renovations, you should opt for the cheaper yet more suitable asphalt pavings that uplift your entire property’s look. 

Installation Time 

One of the many reasons concrete paving is pricier than asphalt is the installation process. The installation process requires skilled labor for mixing, pouring, and then carefully leveling and finishing the surface. Moreover, there are many ways to customize and decorate concrete, which is a whole other process requiring more specialized labor. 

Asphalt is not as labor intensive. Its flexibility and smooth texture allow it to be quickly set and leveled without requiring much labor interference. Additionally, asphalt hardens in significantly less time than concrete. While concrete paving can take up to a week to dry and harden properly, asphalt takes no more than 24 hours. 


In all fairness, concrete and asphalt pavings have unique benefits and advantages you can leverage. However, the final choice between the two largely depends on various factors, such as how and where the material will be used. Make sure to consider important factors like cost, durability, and installation times for each material so you can make an informed decision.