Looking for easy banners to draw for your bullet journal, planner, gift wrap or scrapbooking? Today, I’m sharing four, simple banners with step by step instructions for each.
I love adding hand drawn elements to my journals and gift wrap.
They’re a fun and easy way to add personalization and creativity to everything you do. It’s one of my favorite things to draw in my sketchbook or on cards/gift tags.
I am definitely not an artist, so if I can draw these easy banners, I know that you can too!
Let’s go step-by-step and learn, together, how to draw a banner!

If you are into scrapbooking, cardmaking, or have a bullet journal, at some point, you probably have wondered how to draw a banner.
The thing is, banners are super easy to draw and add a creative, hand-drawn touch to your crafty creation.
Best of all, anyone can learn how to make them.
If you just spend a few minutes practicing each banner, you’ll be a pro in no time–promise!
What to Use to Draw Banners

You can use almost any drawing medium to draw banners in your journals and on your cards.
I like using Tombow Mono Drawing Pens, as well as the fine tip of Tombow Dual Brush Pens.
Tombow pens are also perfect for learning how to hand letter!
If you don’t want to invest in those, any pen, pencil, marker or colored pencil would be perfect for these banners.
I love these sketchbooks for practicing my hand lettering, banner drawing, doodling (like these festive christmas doodles) and more!
How to Draw a Banner
Let’s talk about how to draw four banners, each with step-by-step instructions below.
Try all four, and then let me know in the comments which is your favorite!
How to Draw a Ribbon Banner

This ribbon banner has four, easy steps. It would be perfect for a name or fun greeting.
First, draw two parallel, wavy lines.
Next, draw two small lines to connect them.
Then, draw side ribbons on each side of your banner.
Lastly, draw one small line connecting the loop on each side of the banner to the banner itself (the picture above does a better job explaining it than I can).
How to Draw a Simple Banner

This wavy banner is super simple to draw!
The first step is to draw two wavy lines.
Lastly, on each end of the banner, draw an arrow shape to connect the lines together. That’s it!
How to Draw an Arch Ribbon Banner

This arch ribbon banner is a fun take on the wavy ribbon banner.
First, draw two curved, parallel lines.
Next, draw two lines to connect your two parallel lines.
Then, draw two curves at the bottom of your banner.
Lastly, turn those curved shapes into the ends of your banner.
How to Draw a Straight Banner

For this super simple straight banner, begin by drawing two, straight parallel lines.
Connect the lines to form a rectangle.
Then, add a small, slanted line to the top left and top right sides of the rectangle.
Add a flag shape to each of these lines.
Lastly, add a small, straight line to connect your flag shapes to your banner.
That’s it!
Simple, yet cute, banners to add to all of your handmade creations.
Thanks so much for reading all about How to Draw a Banner {Sharing Step by Step Instructions for Four Banners}.
Have a great day!
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