Last day of school printable signs for the 2021-2022 school year are here and ready to commemorate the end of the school year and beginning of summer vacation! Scroll through for free printable signs for every grade level!
It’s so hard to believe that spring is here and the school year is almost over for most of us!
So, as always, we are here with your free printable last day of school signs to print out so you can commemorate the end of another school year!

Just choose your grade level below and click the link to be taken to the sign.
Last Day of School Printable Signs
Last day of school printable signs for the 2021-2022 school year are here and ready to commemorate the end of the school year and beginning of summer vacation! Scroll through for free printable signs for every grade level!
last day of school sign (generic)
last day of preschool sign
last day of pre-k sign
last day of kindergarten sign
last day of first grade sign
last day of second grade sign
last day of third grade sign
last day of fourth grade sign
last day of fifth grade sign
last day of sixth grade sign
last day of seventh grade sign
last day of eighth grade sign
last day of ninth grade sign
last day of tenth grade sign
last day of eleventh grade sign
last day of twelfth grade sign
Our last day of school signs are super simple to print out…
- Click on the sign(s) you’d like to download (you’ll be taken to a Google Drive file), and then save to your computer.
- Upload to your favorite photo printer to have printed on either matte cardstock or photo glossy paper (at-home printing is, of course, an option, but I find professional printers usually print colors and images better, especially chalkboard).
- These print best at 8×10, but you can easily resize to 5×7 or 8.5×11.
- Frame, if desired, take a pic, and enjoy these last day of school memories!
If you use these signs, I’d LOVE to see a pic and share with other readers. You can email me or tag me on facebook or instagram!
Thanks so much for reading all about our Last Day of School Printable Signs – 2021-2022!
Have a great day!
Sunday 29th of May 2022
Same as you have these in the colored version? I believe you did last year or the year before? Thank you!
Nicole Erickson
Tuesday 24th of May 2022
Do you have this printable in the color version? I can’t seem to find it? Thank you!