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Valentine’s Day Crafts and Ideas

Sharing the best Valentine’s Day crafts from some top DIY and craft bloggers! I’ll admit-for a crafts-related blogger, I don’t tend to decorate for a lot of the holidays. My mantle, for instance, hasn’t changed since Christmas, and I’m okay with that. So when I do decorate, I like creative and simple crafts that don’t take …

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glitter and watercolor confetti garland {a tutorial}

Notice that I purposely didn’t call this a “Valentine’s Day garland”…to me, using circles instead of hearts makes this garland less holiday specific…change out the colors to suit your taste, and this can be used as party décor, part of your kid’s bedroom décor, or part of your “everyday” décor. The how-to couldn’t be simpler …

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favorite embroidery hoop crafts and tutorials + Amazon GIVEAWAY

Looking for some easy and fun crafts and DIY using embroidery hoops? You’re in the right place! I just love the versatility of embroidery hoops; there are so many creative applications and uses! Today, I’m sharing 26 of my favorite tutorials. Enjoy! See end of post for giveaway! Embroidery hoops are one of my favorite …

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no turning back now {the kitchen “before” post}

Yep-there’s no turning back now! The two walls that separated our kitchen from our living and dining spaces are gone. This is only phase 1 of about a million, but it’s a huge step in the right direction. Here’s the before… …and the after: So far I’m cautiously optimistic about our progress. We have a …

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how I catalog my child’s artwork

My four-year-old finished his first year of preschool in May, and can you guess what surprised me most about the year? Not how much he learned, not how much his social skills improved (though both were impressive), but how much artwork we’ve accumulated through the course of the year. The amount, dear readers, was staggering. …

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chalkboard menu decal {a tutorial}

It’s the start of another year, and if you are looking for a way to stay more organized this year, this post is for you. I’m sharing an easy and attractive way to plan your  meals for the week (who doesn’t need help with that?!) using this fabulous new chalkboard menu decal from Belvedere Designs! Materials: chalkboard menu decal from belvedere designs …

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