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on doing brave

I checked on my friend, the mama who had just dropped her daughter off for her first weekend away. “She’s so strong,” she said, “so determined. I’m having a hard time already.” “You’re brave,” I told her. “That’s where she gets it, from her mama.” “Not me,” was her response. “I don’t feel brave.” Maybe …

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getting clean with the honest company {and coupon code}

As a soon-to-be mom of two kids under the age of five (my daughter is due this month!), it goes without saying that a lot of laundry gets done in this household. When I discovered The Honest Company, which is known for safe, natural, and affordable cleaning and baby care products, I was hooked. I’ve …

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personalized coasters {a tutorial}

Hello, sweet readers! I’m here today to share with you a meaningful and personalized gift for all of those upcoming Spring and Summer weddings. Whether you need a wedding gift, a shower gift, or a housewarming gift for the newlyweds, these custom coasters are sure to be treasured by the new couple. I’m going to …

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What to Do With Children’s Artwork

Have a pile of your childrens’ artwork lying around? You’re not alone! In this post, I share ways to use and store your childrens’ precious pieces! Have you got children? Do they bring home page after page of pictures, coloring pages, and other art work? No matter how devoted we are to our children, and …

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baby update + design mom

Hello and Happy Wednesday! First, a quick Baby Girl update-We had a growth ultrasound yesterday (my first since being on bedrest from home!), and Baby Girl measured 3 lbs. 12 oz. (up 9 oz from two weeks ago). This wasn’t a let’s-throw-a-party-and-celebrate kind of gain, but it definitely falls under the “reasonable gain” category, and …

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Stenciled China Cabinet in Ladies Home Journal

That’s right! My stenciled china cabinet makeover is featured in this month’s Ladies Home Journal!  It’s also on their site in this Easy Weekend Paint Projects slideshow. Thanks to Royal Design Studios for the awesome stencil and inspiration! This was such a fun project to complete and it’s always exciting to be featured in such a great …

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fabric-wrapped photo display {a tutorial}

Happy Monday! Just a quick Baby Girl update-I am out of the hospital and currently on at-home bedrest. This is obviously lots of fun for my husband, who adores catering to my every whim:) We are thankful, though, that I can be at home and thankful for every additional week that Baby can cook! I’ll be …

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Not-So Cookie Cutter Cookie Cutters {a sponsored post by california closets}

image via california closets {this is a sponsored post written by california closets} It was my close friend Sally’s son’s birthday last week, and I was in a pinch to find the appropriate gesture of appreciation for marine life – in baked sugary form. The now 6-year-old Sam’s party was taking place at the aquarium …

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a baby update

I know it’s been quiet around here lately, and I wanted to take a moment today to let you all know what’s been going on. I am officially on hospital bedrest until our baby girl is born. At our ultrasound appointment on Tuesday, it was found that our baby wasn’t growing at nearly the rate …

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