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5 inexpensive ways to add charm to your home

Have you ever taken a moment to think about the qualities you want your home to possess? Do you value bold color? Eclecticism? Peaceful surroundings or invigorating ones? My guess is that no matter what style or qualities you graviate towards, what we’re all looking for, at the end of the day, is a home filled with charm. …

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wood and felt buntings {a tutorial}

Need a quick creative fix? Have a wall, mantel, or mirror that could use some gussying up? Today, I’m sharing a fun and versatile tutorial with you all-balsa wood and felt buntings! Materials: balsa wood scissors/hold punch twine or fabric felt or paper letters Step 1: Take your balsa wood and cut it into triangles. …

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reinvented {galvanized buckets}

Hello, sweet readers! I’m starting a new feature on the blog today called “Reinvented.” Basically, it’ll be a compilation post of outside-the-box uses and tutorials for some very basic, inexpensive items. We’ll be taking ordinary items and seeing how folks are using them in extraordinary ways…are you with me? Galvanized containers are inexpensive, readily available …

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ucreate partnership and random, fun finds…

Can I share something exciting with you all? Like I-might-have-squealed-a-little-when-I-heard kind of exciting? I have a new, twice-monthly feature up at Ucreate! You all know Ucreate, right? It’s an amazing craft blog written by the fabulous Kari, and I’ll be there twice a month sharing my favorite craft tutorials. My first post is up, so check it …

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birdseed favors {or valentines!}

While cruising around Pinterest the other week, I came across a tutorial for birdseed favors from Natalie’s blog. Do you remember making these as a kid? I do, and I knew it would be something my almost-three-year-old would love to help with.  Our recipe made approximately 8 large valentines… Combine: 1 1/2 c. birdseed 2 tbsp. …

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people I heart {olive manna}

When sweet Joanna from Simple Blueprint emailed me letting me know I won a shop credit to Olive Manna, I think I might have squealed. Haven’t heard of Olive Manna before? You’re in for a treat, here are some of my favorites from her shop…. And what did I do with my shop credit? Take a look… …

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