Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but the most ignored or forgotten as people are usually in a rush. At the same time, some have a coffee and rush out of the house. You don’t have to complicate your breakfast by cooking loads of things.
Depending on your preference, you can prepare cereal with a dash of milk or water. Plain cereal can be quite a bore, but no worries, you can upgrade your cereal with these 12 healthy toppings. Most of these toppings are lying around in your fridge or pantry.
12 Healthy Toppings to Make Your Cereal More Exciting
There are many breakfast cereal options, from cornflakes, and oats, to Weetabix, and eating them with just milk or water can be dull over time. You may ask, what is the healthiest cereal? Oats are considered the top healthiest cereal as they are low in calories and nutritious. You can complement your bowl of cereal with some healthy toppings, but try to keep them at a minimum, as too much can be harmful. A single serving of each is ideal. Spice up your breakfast cereal with these toppings.
- Pineapple
Pineapples are the best healthy cereal toppings, adding sweet and tropical citrus notes to your cereal bowl. Do not add a whole pineapple to your cereal bowl, as it would make your cereal too sweet. One cup of cubic pineapple pieces is enough.
Pineapples are loaded with nutrients, minerals, and vitamins, essential for your immune system. It also has antioxidant properties, helping your body fight cell damage and prevent inflammation.
- Dark Chocolate chips
Choco chips are used in many recipes, with cakes and muffins being the top. If you are tired of eating plain cereal, you can consider adding dark chocolate chips to your bowl of oats as they make them sweet but not too much. Don’t add too many; measure a cup of choc chips and sprinkle them onto your cereals.
- Maple syrup
Maple syrup is a healthy cereal add-in that can add a touch of sweetness to your cereals. Maple syrup is sprinkled on pancakes to add extra sweetness. A half tablespoon of maple syrup is an excellent choice for people who enjoy a bit of sweetness with their bowl of cereal.
- Unsweetened cocoa powder
We all love chocolate, and; on cold days, people tend to sit around the fireplace cozied up with a warm blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. How about you swap a cup of hot chocolate with a bowl of healthy breakfast cereal with a topping of unsweetened cocoa powder. Just sprinkle a tablespoon on your cereals.
- Blueberries
Like strawberries, blueberries will add color and sweetness to your breakfast cereal. You can use them as yogurt, oatmeal, waffles or pancake toppings. Add a cup of blueberries to your bowl and stir them to ensure that you get a taste of blueberries with each scoop.
Blueberries help people improve their heart, bone, and blood pressure. Please make a point of eating a few blueberries a day, as they help boost your immunity, reduce the risk of diabetes and strengthen your metabolism.
- Coconut flakes
Some people opt to add dried fruits to their cereal bowl. Add some coconut flakes to enhance the taste of your whole grain cereals. It offers people the recommended daily fiber intake of 25 grams.
Coconut flakes help promote regular bowel movement and digestion in people, helping flush out all the toxins from the body. However, don’t use coconut flakes daily as they have a high-calorie content and saturated fats, which may promote weight gain and increase the risks of heart disease.
- Bananas
Bananas are low in calories and nutritious. A single cup of sliced bananas adds up to 134 calories which are enough for a breakfast meal. They have a high fiber content suitable for your digestive system and help you feel fuller. And because they are low in calories, it’s essential for people looking to lose weight.
- Yogurt
If you want something affordable and readily available, a cup of Greek yogurt is the best option. Yogurt is made from daily products through fermentation, creating a white, thick liquid with a tangy flavor. And not only does it have low calories, but it’s also nutritious.
Yogurt has essential nutrients such as calcium, vitamin B12, riboflavin, vitamin D, phosphorus, and magnesium. These minerals and nutrients help boost your immune system, metabolism, and bone health and regulate blood pressure.
Yogurt also has a significant amount of protein which helps you feel fuller, reducing the amount of food you eat within a day; thus, helping you manage your weight as it prevents weight gain. And since it has live bacteria or probiotics, the chances of having irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and constipation are lowered.
However, yogurt is not a healthy cereal topping for everyone, especially for people who are lactose intolerant and have milk allergies.
- Raspberries
Like other berries, cereals taste better with raspberry toppings. Ensure they are washed thoroughly and stored in a tightly sealed container. You can use them whole or cut up. Add raspberries; the recommended daily intake is about 100-400 mg per day.
Raspberries are healthy and nutritious and contain minerals such as manganese and potassium that assists in heart function and help prevent spikes in blood pressure. They also have omega-3 fatty acids, essential in preventing stroke and heart disease.
- Raisins
Raisins are dried fruits rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They have a natural sweetness and are high in sugar and calories; therefore, they should be consumed in moderation. The minerals found in raisins include iron, potassium, copper, and manganese, suitable for bone and joint health. When consumed alone, they offer people a boost of energy.
Dried raisins are rich in insoluble dietary fiber, which acts as a natural laxative; thus, they are best for people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome.
Raisins are good for oxidative cell damage as they are rich in antioxidants.
- Hemp seeds
Hemp seeds are nutritious and can be eaten raw, shelled, or cold-pressed to produce hemp oil. Some of the nutrients and minerals found in hemp seeds include iron, magnesium, Vitamins, fiber, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and carbs.
Everyone can use hemp seeds as a healthy cereal topping, and unlike their cousin cannabis, they are non-psychoactive. They give your breakfast a nutty flavor. Hemp seeds have plenty of healing properties and can be used by people with skin issues like acne, indigestion, inflammation, and heart disease. If you are a vegan, hemp seeds can be an excellent source of plant protein.
Like everything else, you must know how much is sufficient for your body. It would be best to add three tablespoons of hemp seeds as they contain about 166 calories, which is the daily recommended intake by the USDA.
Popular ways people use hemp seeds:
- Adding them to the smoothies
- Sprinkling them onto your cereals or yogurt
- Baking
- Cold pressing to get hemp seed oil
- Salad topping
Unlike fruits and other healthy cereal toppings, hemp seeds are not approved by the FDA, so you must ensure you buy from reputable sellers.
- Nuts
If you want to add a nutty flavor to your cereals, it would be best to use some healthy nuts such as almonds, peanuts, cashews, and walnuts. They are crunchy and provide you with plenty of plant proteins.
All nuts offer healthy fats, protein, vitamin E, and magnesium. They help lower your blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels and promote heart health. They also make you feel full, thus reducing the amount of food you eat and promoting weight loss.
You can add them to your cereal whole or chopped up. Make sure to mix them up and sprinkle them into your bowl of cereal.
You can use these toppings interchangeably, with several of them together. For instance, you can add almonds, bananas, and berries to a single breakfast bowl.
Final Thoughts
Do not skip breakfast just because you are in a hurry in the morning or don’t have healthy options. Cereals, oatmeal, and Weetabix are healthy breakfast options that are easy to prepare.
Plain cereal can get boring after some time; you can upgrade your bland cereal with the 12 toppings discussed in this article. The best thing is that they are delicious, add color to your breakfast, and are rich in nutrients, minerals, fiber, and vitamins that help promote your overall health.