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What Causes Home Foundation Issues?

a porch with a flag on the front of it

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Home foundation issues are common all over the world. There are many reasons why the foundations of your property can become damaged or unstable. Services such as are there for you every step of the way when the worst happens.

Extreme Adverse Weather

No one is any kind of match for Mother Nature. When the weather wants to damage a home, there’s not much we can do about it. Terrible weather conditions are among the most common reasons for home foundation problems. Hot and cold, moisture and dryness all place tremendous pressure on the solid beneath your home. As a result, the soil changes and can even shift. When soil begins to have problems, the foundations can become damaged.

Problems with the Soil

The soil under your home can cause many problems with the foundations. It can become an issue even during construction as developers aren’t aware of what the soil is like deep underground. Shrinking soil because of dryness is one of the greatest causes of problems. Dryness causes the soil to shrink and pull away from the foundation. When this happens, the foundation can shift and cause issues such as sagging walls, cracked walls, and ceilings.

Plumbing Causes Home Foundation Issues

Problems occur when the soil becomes too dry. However, it can also succumb to common issues when the soil beneath the home gets too wet. There are a few reasons why the soil can get too wet and cause home foundation issues. This can happen because of the weather and plumbing. A leak from a water pipe will continuously keep the soil moist. When the soil is too wet, it will move. Services like professional foundation repair companies can diagnose and repair these issues.

A Botched Foundation Construction

Problems with a home can begin even before it is built. This happens when homes are built on a budget or with minimal overheads and supervision. One report found that 98% of new American homes aren’t overseen by an architect directly. If the construction team doesn’t study the soil, there can be enormous consequences for the foundation. The soil also needs to be compacted correctly. A poor compaction job will cause the soil to shift after the foundation has been poured.

The Removal of Trees

Believe it or not, trees can play a significant role in keeping the soil stable. The soil can shift if too many trees are removed when preparing the land for construction. This is mainly because the roots can be left in the ground and decay over time. There’s no telling how many roots there are, and they create empty space for soil to shift to when they degrade. Builders must carefully remove as many of the tree roots as possible before pouring the slab for the new foundation.

Soil is the leading cause of home foundation issues. Problems can occur even before the home is built and can be challenging to diagnose and repair. Trusted companies such as foundation repair specialists can offer expert solutions to any foundation problems you may have.