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Why Crafting a Birthday Flower Wall Elevates Any Celebration

(Source: Pexels)

They say flowers can make things even more beautiful. There’s a lot of truth to it. No matter the occasion, a flower wall can give us one reason to celebrate. Especially if it’s someone’s birthday.

This guide will discuss why a birthday flower wall will be great for the occasion itself. We’ll also discuss where you can get the best flowers that will make things a bit more colorful. It can be something made for someone who loves a certain kind of flower. So let’s get started and show you how to put one together for someone’s birthday – whether it’s a friend, family member, or that special someone.

There’s a touch of charm to it

Flowers come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Regardless, they can bring a kind of unmatched charm. A flower bouquet is great for a birthday gift for someone who loves a type of flower that reflects their personality or just admires it for its beauty. Putting it together in the form of a wall will make it even better for one’s birthday celebration.

Putting together the perfect design

If you are planning on putting together a birthday flower wall, we have some ideas to consider. Let’s take a look at what they are:

Choosing the right blooms

While this can be challenging, we have an idea on how to choose the right flowers. What is the month of this person’s birthday? Now, what color is their gemstone? If their birthday is in April (cubic zirconia), you can choose white flowers since it is the closest to the stone’s color.

Plan your design

Whether you have an idea where you can sketch it out yourself or have a professional do it – come up with some designs that can make it stand out. Remember that the size and shape of your wall will be something you want to consider. On top of that, you want to come up with a few pattern ideas.

If you want to put together a preview, create a wall made from paper flowers. It might be the perfect mockup that will be useful – even for this next step. 

Outsourcing professional-grade blooms

As we’ve mentioned before, DIY is fine when it comes to designing the perfect flower wall. However, outsourcing it to professionals who can get the job for you is even better. All you need to do is provide enough information about how it should look. This includes possible designs, the kind of flowers this special person likes, and more.

If it’s unclear what kind of favorite flowers that person likes, you can always fall back on the idea of choosing blooms that match the color of their birthstone. From there, these professionals will put it all together and make it look its best. When the time comes for that person’s birthday, the flower wall is fresh, smelling great, and the color pops.

Leave it to professionals who can get the job done. Whether you don’t have the time or the right DIY skills, don’t worry. These are people who will listen to what you need and they’ll take care of the rest.

Final Thoughts

Are you looking for one of the most memorable birthday decorations? Balloons and streamers are fine – but it’s a flower wall that can really make it all stand out. We hope you found this guide helpful in making sure one is put together (and quite nicely no less).

If doing it DIY is an intimidating task, you can depend on a professional to get it done for you. All you need to do is put together a design idea and that’s it. Before you know it, that special person in your life will get a flower wall that they will love and appreciate.